Building a Pi 3 IRLP node from scratch- Step by step

Install process for IRLP, IRLPvCon, OpenVPN and EchoIRLP


Hardware required:

- IRLP Ver 3.0 board

- Raspberry Pi Model Pi3

- A GOOD 5V microUSB power supply for your Pi.

- DB-25 to IDC 26 parallel cable

- USB sound card SYBA SD-CM-UAUD, based on Cmedia CM119

- 16 gig micro-SD class 10 card SCANDISK.

- USB keyboard

- HDMI capable monitor, or an HDMI adapter to another style of monitor


1)you’ll  first need to load debian OS onto a micro sd card,  go to this website


then install the zip files for both noobs lite and jessie lite onto your pc and then drag and drop each image into your desktop.


2) Than with your Win32DiskImager software, you’ll than burn the image onto your micro sd card by burning the Noobs boot-up and Jessie lite  img  to your micro sd card.


3) Install the new Jessie lite micro sd card in the Pi3 and power up to confirm the image works.


4) Than you’ll need to prepare the Debian for loading the IRLP software.

Log into the pi with these defaults:

username is:  pi

password is:  raspberry


5) create a root user password

At the prompt, type:


sudo  su  -

passwd  root      

 then type in the new root password for each prompting.



6) Configure the Pi for Your Location, Tiemzone, and Keyboard Layout, and make sure to enable SSH.

At the prompt, type:

sudo  raspi-config


make sure to change the time zone, keyboard, enable the SSH.


Just in case you have multiple IRLP nodes behind your network, you’ll need to change the SSH port number 22 to some other port like 23, 24, and 25? Also in my case I had to go in to allow root access for SSH and I had to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config on line 28 it should read below this

PermitRootLogin yes


You’ll need to putty in with pico command line.


At the root prompt change the directory, type: 

cd /etc


At the root prompt change the directory, type: 

pico ssh/sshd_config


Then change line number 5 to whatever port number Port 22 to any port that won’t conflict with your network or other irlp nodes, than about line 27 edit the Root Permit line to read this exactly    PermitRootLogin yes 


Then hit Ctrl X  than hit Shift Y and hit the enter key ,  it should be saved.  Be very careful when editing with pico this is can be tricky at first.  Now you should be able to Putty and WinSCP into the Pi computer, you’ll need to put your back-up file into the tmp file folder. The file should read irlp_backup.tgz


Now you’ll need to establish Putty and WinSCP sessions for an easier loading of the IRLP, IRLPVcon,  OpenVPN and Echolink downloads.


7) Open a WinSCP session and install the irlp_backup.tgz file into the root/tmp file folder.





IRLP install

8) open a putty session and copy and paste these lines to install the IRLP files: At the prompt, copy and paste or type: one line at a time


chmod  +x  get-irlp-files




If the process changes your IP address make sure and take notes of the new address.




 9) to install IRLPvCon


At the prompt, copy and paste or type: one line at a time



chmod  +x  irlpvcon_debian_install




Once you’ve get IRLPvCON loaded,  go into the admin panel and create a user name and password

To access IRLPvCON  point a JavaScript Enabled browser to the URL:




This will bring up the main IRLPvCON Display with the Console Screen. The buttons along the bottom of the display are used to bring up different screens.







10) To install OpenVPN on Debian:

At the prompt, copy and paste or type:

apt-get install openvpn

Then get your client.conf file and install it in the etc/openvpn folder

Then start or stop your OpenVPN client by

At the root prompt, type:

/etc/init.d/openvpn start
Then reboot the node it should establish your link to the OpenVPN server.
11) now to install Echolink on your node.
Now to install echolink,  you’ll need your existing echolink  information, when prompted to input your password,  callsign and location info.

At the prompt, copy and paste or type: one line at a time

wget -N --no-check-certificate

chmod +x ./echo-install












12) To adjust sound settings, as root

At the prompt, copy and paste or type:




And to store settings

At the prompt, copy and paste or type:


alsactl store