How to command the link box to connect to IRLP log in to the linkbox computer as root then type tlbcmd and you will get the tlbcmd command prompt then use this command to connect .connect -a -n -p2074 -s The -a option specifies use ADPCM codec (RTP and Speak Freely protocols only) The -n option specifies a nailed up connection (not disconnected by disconnect all) The -s option specifies that the connnection should be made using the speak freely protocol rather than the default EchoLink protocol. here is a website with all the command info ----------------------- old stuff ---------------------------------------- linkbox ip tlbcmd .connect -n -p2074 -s tlbcmd .connect -a -n -p2074 -s tlbcmd .link -a -n -p2074 -s --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############# User Commands ############# A few commands are available to users that are unique to theBridge. Commands are entered on the message line in the same way as a text message, by prepending a '.' (period). Commands are not forwarded to other conference users so they are non-intrusive to normal operations. The command must begin at the first character on the line. Commands may be abbreviated to the shortest length that is still unique. For example ".stat", ".sta", and ".st" are valid abbreviations for the ".stats" command, but not ".s" since there are two commands that start with the letter 's' (.stats and .sysop). ".about " Show information about specified station, as provided by that station's EchoLink information file. ".help" and ".?" This command does much as you would guess, it lists the available commands. ".list" (not available on all conferences) This command lists any bulletins or recorded nets that may be available to be played back. ".lookup " This commands displays the node number, Qth and busy status for a specified station. The station must be online or have been online recently for the information to be available. ".play ", ".stop" (not available on all conferences) This command starts playing the selected bulletin or recording. Any text messages that were sent during a net are also replayed sent. While you are in playback mode you will not be listed on the station list of theBridge and you will not receive any live conference traffic, voice or text. To end the playback enter the .stop command or simply disconnect. ".showip" This command dumps the user list with IP addresses. Format: <'S' | 'R' | 'E'> The list is terminate by a blank line. The final character indicates the users protocol, SpeakFreely, RTP, or EchoLink. The callsign field will also contain the user's IP address if the protocol does not provide a callsign. ".stats" This commands displays interesting (to some) technical statistics about the operation of the conference bridge such as when the maximum number of users were connected. ".lurk" and ".delurk" (not available on all conferences) The EchoLink system is very different than "real" radio in one important way... everyone knows who is listening. Sometimes you might only want to monitor a channel, but not get involved in a conversation. This is particularly useful for nets when you want to listen, but don't have anything to contribute. The ".lurk" command allow you to suppress the listing of your callsign as an active member of the conference, but you will still be able to listen. You can rejoin the conference at any time by using the ".delurk" command or by simply transmitting. ".uptime" This command displays the amount of time theBridge has been running since it was loaded. I'll admit it, the primary purpose is for bragging rights... "my conference bridge has been up for ..." ".version" This command displays the version of theBridge software and the type of operating system it's running on. ".test" (not available on all conferences) This command causes theBridge to record your next transmission and then play it back to you when you stop transmitting. This allows you to test your setup and adjust audio levels etc without assistance. Audio quality is a very subjective thing, it's always best to hear it yourself. Note: The UDP protocol used for conferencing is not 100% reliable, the ".test" command will send you the response "Your next transmission will be recorded and played back." to indicate that your command was received. Please do *NOT* make a long test transmission unless you receive the response! Otherwise your test transmission will be sent live over the conference bridge. ############## Sysop Commands ############## ".sysop " None of the sysop commands are available until you identify yourself as an sysop by using the .sysop command and supplying the sysop's password. Additionally sysop's are allowed to transmit during the pausetime to give them slightly higher priority on the channel than normal users. When using this command please *make* sure that you enter the leading '.' and start the command at the beginning of the line, otherwise you may send the sysop's password to everyone logged into the conference! Once you have logged in successfully you will be greeted with a welcome message. You will remain logged in as an sysop only as long as you are connected to theBridge, if you disconnect you will have to login again. WARNING: Please do not use a "valuable" password for the administrator password, it is sent in clear text via UDP to the RTP port. i.e. it can be sniffed. ".admins" This command simply lists the users who are logged in as administrators or sysops. This is a good way of verifying that you are logged in as an sysop before issuing commands. It's also a good way to determine if it's time to change the passwords (grin). ".busy [on | off | status]" This command controls the conference's busy status. The conference's busy status is listed in the station directory, additionally connection requests from new stations are refused when the conference is busy. The status option allows a conference to indicate that it is busy to the directory servers, but actually continue to accept connections for special purposes. ".connect [-a] [-f] [-m] [-n] [-p ] [-s] [-r] [-7] [description]" ".disconnect | ALL | LAST | ." These commands allow conference rooms to be linked to increase the capacity beyond what is available on a single server. The .connect command will accept either a station callsign, conference ID, or IP address. Example: .connect -p 2074 -s The .connect command establishes a permanent connection between until a .disconnect command is entered by an administrator (of either conference). If the connection fails the connect will be reestablished automatically when the path returns. When theBridge is linked to another theBridge running version 0.33 or later then user's callsign and name will be displayed on the linked conference next to the conference's callsign in the station list. The .connect command can actually be used to connect to any station it is not restricted to conferences. If a connection is established to an user station he will be able to disconnect using the usual method, this is equivalent to an administrator entering the .disconnect command. The -a option specifies use ADPCM codec (RTP and Speak Freely protocols only) The -f option specifies that a connection started in the full duplex mode. The -m option specifies that a connection started in the .monitor mode. The ".monitor disable" command can be used to set the connection to full transceive. The -n option specifies a nailed up connection (not disconnected by disconnect all) The -p option specifies the network port to use. The -s option specifies that the connnection should be made using the speak freely protocol rather than the default EchoLink protocol. The speak freely protocol is provided for compatability with other applications. The -r option specifies that the connection should be made using the RTP protocol rather than the default EchoLink protocol. The RTP protocol is the prefered protocol for anything other than EchoLink connections. The -u option specifies use uLaw codec (RTP and Speak Freely protocols only) The -7 option specifies use G.726 codec (RTP protocols only) The "ALL" option to the ".disconnect" command disconnects all users, not just users who were connected to using the ".connect" command. The "LAST" option to the ".disconnect" just disconnects the last station that connected leaving any other users connected. The station that's currently talking may be specified by a dot "." character to save typing the entire callsign. ".link [-m] [-p] [ ...]" The link command is used to connect nodes (RF ports and VoIP connections) together. Each linkage is bidirectional unless the -m (monitor) switch is used. For example if the system is a remote base and port "440" is it's input and port "144" is the remote 2 meter radio the command ".link -m 440 144" would put the remote base into 2 meter monitor mode. i.e. traffic on 2 meters would be repeated to 440, but traffic on 440 would not be repeated to 2 meters. The command ".link 440 144" would put the remote base into 2 meter transceive. The -p command line switch specifies a permanent link. Permanent links are not unlinked by .unlink all, .unlink rf, .unlink voip, or .unlink commands. The link can only be removed by an explicit .unlink command that specifies both ports. The link command can also be used to link VoIP connections to RF ports. For example to link an *EXISTING* VoIP connection from W1AW to the "440" port: .link w1aw 440 (or .link 440 w1aw). VoIP connections are created when a remote node connects to our node or by use of the .connect command. ".link" To generate a list of current port linkages run the .link command without arguments. ".unlink all" ".unlink rf" ".unlink voip" ".unlink [...]" The unlink command is (much a you might expect) the reverse of the .link command, it desolves links established with the .link command. The "all" argument removes all links between both ports and VoIP connections. The "rf" argument removes all links between RF ports, but leaves links between ports and Voip connections intact. The "voip" argument removes all links between ports and Voip connects, but leaves links between ports intact. If the argument is a single node name then all links to that node are desolved. Finally specific links can be desolved by specifing both the destination and source names. .port [] The .port command selects the active port for commands such as .id, .say, .tonegen, etc. When run without arguments the .port lists all ports with current port status. For example: tlb> port Available ports: 144 Rx > 440 Tx WR7NV-R tlb> This shows that port "144" is receiving a signal and the port "440" is transmitting. Additionally the '>' character displayed in front of the 440 port indicates that it is the port currently selected for control. ".lurk disable" ".lurk enable" ".lurk " ".delurk " Lurking is one of my personal favorite capabilities of theBridge, infact it was the first command. However not everyone shares my opinion. The ability to disable lurking has been the most requested feature. The disable option disables (duh!) the ability for stations to "lurk", the enable option restores the capability. By default lurking is enabled. Stations attempting to lurk when lurking is disabled will be sent a messages informing them that the lurking feature has been disabled. Sysops can set a specified station's lurking mode. This is useful to restore a stations state after theBridge has been (quickly) rebooted. ".message [message text]" This command may be used by the scripting interface to send text messages to conference users. Unlike the normal EchoLink text mode messages received from the command port are assumed to be commands and need not be prefixed by a period. Sysops and admins can prevent individual chat message from being sent to normal users by starting the message with a semicolon (';'). Sysops and admins can also prevent individual chat message from being sent to normal users and sysops by starting the message with a comma (','). Neither of these characters have any special significance when sent by a normal user. ".monitor [disable] " This command allows you to put a station in to a talk only mode. This command is basically the opposite of the ".mute" command, the monitored client can talk, but not listen. This is useful in certain (unusual) situations such as the recent shuttle disaster when you want to listen to a conference, but while ensuring local traffic does not interrupt it. The disable option is used to return a station to full transceive operation. ".mute" ".mute <-p> ." ".mute [ ...]" ".unmute <-p> [" This command allows the configuration variable PauseTime to be adjusted as needed during normal operation. The PauseTime variable sets the minimum gap between transmissions on the conference. Stations who jump in before the minimum time has elapsed will be sent a warning message and will not be repeated until the minimum pause time has elapsed. This parameter may help prevent repeater "bouncing" that occurs when multiple repeaters or link stations are logged into a conference room with poor operating parameters. It will also ensure that there's a break between transmissions to allow simplex links to leave the conference. ".play4 [-f] [-i] [displayed name]" This command allows a recording file to be played all users. When the file is played for all users an optional description may be entered which will appear on the station list as the "station" talking. If the description is omitted the "station" will be shown as "QST". The timing of the playback is controlled by the same configuration file variables as the .play command. Normally playback will begin as soon as the conference free (no one is talking), -f and -i flags are used to modify this behavour. The -f flag can be used to force the playback to begin immediately even if someone is talking. The -i flag can be used to force the playback to wait for IdleTimeout seconds of inactivity before the bulletin playback begins. These flags provide the ability for scripts to do things such as automatically playback a net at a particular while warning any users before hand to allow them time to finish their QSOs. For example a couple of warning anouncements could be played 10 mintutes, 5 minutes and one minute before the net and then the bulletin could be played exactly on time using the -f command. A less driven conference operator might simply use the -i command to play the bulletin as soon as the conference becomes free after the appointed time. This would allow QSOs to finish naturally before begining a playback. ".play4 -u " This variation of play4 command allows a recording to be played for a specifc user. ".users" ".users ?" ".users <-b> <-c> <-t>" The .users command lists the callsign of all conference users in order of login along with their attributes. This command is particularly useful for net control operators by enabling them to see more stations than will fit in the EchoLink client's info window. -b - suppresses display of user attributes. -c - displays the amount of time each user has been connected. -t - displays time since the user last transmitted. The meaning of the attribute characters may be display by the ".user ?" command. They are as follows: A logged in as an administrator. a ADPCM CODEC B a linked theBridge conference. C a linked conference other than theBridge. c chat text suppressed F playing a file (using the .play or .test commands). f Full duplex connection K Kicked. L lurker. M audio and text are muted. m audio is muted. P a permanent connection (connected by a .connect command). R receive only (monitored). S logged in as a sysop. T currently Talking. u uLaw CODEC x not currently active in the conference. * using Asterisk protocol. 0 using Speak Freely protocol. 1 using RTP protocol. ! an old version of theBridge which sent SDES packets containing a private "txt" extension field. ".belchfilter" ".belchfilter